Hey guys! Today we will learn how to log in using a Obyte wallet, and also make paid access to the article. To do this, we need project that i have prepared for you Tutorial-2-source . Install it.
Copy git clone https://github.com/xJeneKx/Tutorial-2-source
cd Tutorial-2-source
npm install
If you run project you will see a blog with articles. After opening any article you will see a request to log in. Let’s create an authorization. First we need a pairing code, you could see it on startup
Copy it and change our code a bit
Copy pairingCode = 'Aly99HdWoCFaxJiIHs1ldREAN/sMDhGsRHNQ2RYU9gCj@byteball.org/bb#' + code;
Copy eventBus .on ( 'paired' , (from_address , pairing_secret) => {
console .error ( 'paired' , from_address , pairing_secret);
Run and see the link. Сlick on it and bot will be added. Now let’s look at the console.
Add the link
Copy b = '<br>Please login using this pairing code: <a href="obyte:' + pairingCode + '">' + pairingCode + '</a>' ;
And QR
Copy let dataURL = await QRCode .toDataURL ( "obyte:" + pairingCode);
b = '<br>Please login using this pairing code: <a href="obyte:' + pairingCode + '">' + pairingCode + '</a><br><img src="' + dataURL + '">' ;
Save our device address, we will need it later.
Copy eventBus .on ( 'paired' , (from_address , pairing_secret) => {
let device = require ( 'ocore/device' );
assocCodeToDeviceAddress[pairing_secret] = from_address;
device .sendMessageToDevice (from_address , 'text' , 'ok' );
Now we need to tell the browser that we are logged in
To implement this, we add function in start.js
Copy async function amILogged (ctx) {
let url = ctx . request .url;
let match = url .match ( /code=([0-9] + )/ );
if (match && assocCodeToDeviceAddress[match[ 1 ]]) {
ctx . cookies .set ( 'ac' , match[ 1 ]);
ctx .body = 'true' ;
} else {
ctx .body = 'false' ;
And also one more routing
Copy app .use ( mount ( '/amilogged' , amILogged));
In article.html we will add a request to check
Copy var step = '<%= step %>' ;
var code = '<%= code %>' ;
if (step === 'login' ) {
setInterval (() => {
fetch ( '/amilogged?code=' + code)
.then ((response) => {
return response .text ();
}) .then (result => {
if (result === 'true' ) {
location .reload ( true );
.catch (alert);
} , 5000 );
What’s going on here? The user scans the QR code, adds our bot. Bot associates code with his device_address. In the browser, we knock and ask: did we logged in? and adding cookies.
Now we need to create an address and associate it with the user and the article.
Add a variable
Copy let assocCodeAndNumberToAddress = {};
Add the address and display it
Copy step = 'paid' ;
let address = await getAssocAddress (assocCode , 1 );
let dataURL = await QRCode .toDataURL ( "obyte:" + address + '?amount=100' );
b = '<br>Please pay for the article. <br>Address: ' + address + '<br>Amount: 100<br><img src="' + dataURL + '"><br>' +
'<a href="obyte:' + address + '?amount=100">Pay</a>' ;
And finally the function getAssocAddress
Copy function getAssocAddress (assocCode , number) {
return new Promise (resolve => {
let name = assocCode + '_' + number;
if (assocCodeAndNumberToAddress[name]) {
return resolve (assocCodeAndNumberToAddress[name]);
} else {
headlessWallet .issueNextMainAddress (address => {
assocCodeAndNumberToAddress[name] = address;
return resolve (address);
This time we will not wait for the stabilization of the unit and immediately open access.
Add a variable
Copy let assocCodeToPaid = {};
Add a check that the user has paid for
Copy async function amIPaid (ctx) {
let code = ctx . cookies .get ( 'ac' );
ctx .body = (code && itPaid (code)) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
function itPaid (code) {
return !! assocCodeToPaid[code];
Add a routing
Copy app .use ( mount ( '/amipaid' , amIPaid));
And payment processing
Copy eventBus .on ( 'new_my_transactions' , (arrUnits) => {
const device = require ( 'ocore/device.js' );
db .query ( "SELECT address, amount, asset FROM outputs WHERE unit IN (?)" , [arrUnits] , rows => {
rows .forEach (row => {
if ( row .amount === 100 && row .asset === null ) {
for ( let key in assocCodeAndNumberToAddress) {
if (assocCodeAndNumberToAddress[key] === row .address) {
let assocCode = key .split ( '_' )[ 0 ];
assocCodeToPaid[assocCode] = true ;
device .sendMessageToDevice (assocCodeToDeviceAddress[assocCode] , 'text' , 'I received your payment' );
return ;
That’s all, make a working second article - will be your homework:) You should get this:
All the code you can find on github . Did you like the lesson? Any questions? What topics have caused you difficulties and it is worth talking about them? Write in the comments and I will help you. Also join my telegram chat - @obytedev .