
This is a message type, which doesn't require response back.


const network = require('ocore/network.js');
const eventBus = require('ocore/event_bus.js');
const ws = network.getInboundDeviceWebSocket(device_address);

// function parameters: websocket, subject, body
network.sendJustsaying(ws, 'custom', 'some data');

eventBus.on('custom_justsaying', function(ws, content) {

Following is a list of justsaying type JSON messages that are sent over the network:

Send version information

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'version', 
        body: {
            protocol_version: protocol_version, 
            alt: alt, 
            library: name, 
            library_version: version, 
            program: program, 
            program_version: program_version

Send free joints

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'free_joints_end', 
        body: null

Send a private transaction

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'private_payment', 
        body: privateElement

Share your node WebSocket URL to accept incoming connections

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'my_url', 
        body: my_url

Ask to verify your WebSocket URL

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'want_echo', 
        body: random_echo_string

Verify your WebSocket URL with echo message

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'your_echo', 
        body: echo_string

Log in to Hub

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/login', 
        body: {
            challenge: challenge,
            pubkey: pubkey,
            signature: signature

Get new messages

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/refresh', 
        body: null

Remove handled message

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/delete', 
        body: message_hash

Send pairing message

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/challenge', 
        body: challenge

Send message to device

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/message', 
        body: {
            message_hash: message_hash,
            message: message

Ask more messages

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/message_box_status', 
        body: 'has_more'

Light wallet transaction update

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'light/have_updates', 
        body: null

Light wallet sequence became bad

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'light/sequence_became_bad', 
        body: arrUniqueUnits

Add light wallet to monitor address

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'light/new_address_to_watch', 
        body: address

Send bug report

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'bugreport', 
        body: {
            message: message,
            exception: exception

Push project number (only accepted from hub)

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'hub/push_project_number', 
        body: {
            projectNumber: projectNumber

New version is available (only accepted from hub)

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'new_version', 
        body: {
            version: version

Exchange rates (only accepted from hub)

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'exchange_rates', 
        body: exchangeRates

Ask to update (only accepted from hub)

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        subject: 'upgrade_required', 
        body: null

Custom JustSaying

You can add your own communication protocol on top of the Obyte one. See event there.

    type: 'justsaying',
    content: {
        tag: tag,
        subject: 'custom',
        body: body

Last updated