Address signing/verification

If you need to verify that a user owns a particular address, you can do it by offering to sign a message.

You can also verify ownership of address by requesting a payment from their address and this method is more appropriate if you need to receive a payment anyway.

To request the user to sign a message, send this message in chat:


where challenge is the message to be signed. This request will be displayed in the user's wallet as a link that the user can click and confirm signing. Once the user signs it, your chat bot receives a specially formatted message:


You can parse and validate it, here is an example how to verify user's account address:

// verify posted addresss
const validationUtils = require('ocore/validation_utils');
const device = require('ocore/device.js');
var sessionData = [];

eventBus.on('text', (from_address, text) => {
	let arrSignedMessageMatches = text.match(/\(signed-message:(.+?)\)/);
	if (validationUtils.isValidAddress(text)) {
		sessionData[from_address] = text;
		let challenge = 'My address is '+text;
		return device.sendMessageToDevice(from_address, 'text',
				'[...](sign-message-request:'+ challenge  +')');
	else if (arrSignedMessageMatches){
		let signedMessageBase64 = arrSignedMessageMatches[1];
		let validation = require('ocore/validation.js');
		let signedMessageJson = Buffer.from(signedMessageBase64, 'base64').toString('utf8');
			var objSignedMessage = JSON.parse(signedMessageJson);
			return null;
		validation.validateSignedMessage(objSignedMessage, err => {
			let user_address = sessionData[from_address];
			let challenge = 'My address is '+user_address;
			if (err)
				return device.sendMessageToDevice(from_address, 'text', err);
			if (objSignedMessage.signed_message !== challenge)
				return device.sendMessageToDevice(from_address, 'text',
					"You signed a wrong message: "+objSignedMessage.signed_message+", expected: "+challenge);
			if (objSignedMessage.authors[0].address !== user_address)
				return device.sendMessageToDevice(from_address, 'text',
					"You signed the message with a wrong address: "+objSignedMessage.authors[0].address+", expected: "+user_address);
			// all is good, address proven, continue processing

The above code also checks that the user signed the correct message and with the correct address.

objSignedMessage received from the peer has the following fields:

  • signed_message: (string) the signed message

  • authors: array of objects, each object has the following structure (similar to the structure of authors in a unit):

    • address: (string) the signing address

    • definition: (array) definition of the address

    • authentifiers: (object) signatures for different signing paths

To validate the message, call validation.validateSignedMessage as in the example above.

Note that the challenge that you offer to sign must be both clear to the user and sufficiently unique. The latter is required to prevent reuse of a previously saved signed message.

Last updated

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